One of the many great ways to communicate with your fellow players is to use the Experience chat feature. Experience chat allows users to communicate with other users joining the same experience and ends as soon as you leave that experience.
Users can communicate using public broadcast to everyone in the same server or 1:1 / directly using the ‘/w’ command. To learn more about managing your settings for these features, see the Changing Privacy and Chat Settings section further below.
To start chatting, press the / key on your keyboard or tap the icon at the top-left of the screen. This will open up the chat window, if enabled by the developer, and a chat-bar or pop-up keyboard where you can type what you would like to say. Once you have entered your text into that bar, hit Enter/Return on your keyboard to send it.
All chat on Roblox is filtered to prevent inappropriate content and personally identifiable information from being visible on the site. Players have different safety settings and experiences based on their age. For more information on these filters, please click here.
Changing Privacy and Chat Settings
Users can use their communication settings to set limits on who can chat with them on Roblox.
For parents and caregivers of users under 13, we recommend you set up a Roblox account with parent privileges to make informed decisions about what is right for your family and manage your child’s account. You can access settings for Experience chat from Settings > Parental Controls> Settings You Manage > Communication > Experience chat. Users under 13 can also update their chat settings under Settings > Privacy & content maturity > Communication > Experience chat.
Users above 13 are able to use both Experience chat and Roblox Chat (for communication outside experiences) and can update their chat settings under Settings > Privacy and content maturity > Communication.
How to disable Experience chat
To disable Experience chat, do the following:
- Log into your account
(If you can't log in, try these steps for recovering your password) - Go to account Settings
- Browser - find the gear-icon located at the upper-right corner of the site to access Settings
- Mobile - use the three dots icon labeled “More” to access Settings
- Go to Settings > Privacy and content maturity > Communication > Experience chat to adjust who can chat with you in experiences.
- Under “Experience chat” select “No one”
- Log into your account
General Chat/Keyboard Issues on Computer
International keyboards have been known to occasionally cause an issue with accessing the experience chat feature. If you are experiencing this issue, try using the backslash key ("\") on your keyboard to use the chat feature.
If this does not work, you may also follow the steps below to change your keyboard's region settings, which may resolve your issue:
- Open the Start menu
- Open the Control Panel
- Open the Clock, Language, and Region tab
- Open Region and Language
- Adjust the Format and Location to English and the United States, then apply or hit OK
Please note that while this may resolve your keyboard issue, it may cause other normal programs on your machine to act differently, or have awkward keyboard control.
Why do I see so many hashtags?
When players see hashtags( ##### ### ###### ) in place of words, this means that the word or phrase was blocked by our filters. If you are seeing a lot of these, this is more than likely due to the registered age on the account. For more information on chat filtering, please click here.
How do automatic chat translations work in Experience chat?
You can learn more about automatic chat translations here.