Now that you've created your community, you may want to become either allies or enemies with other communities. If you are not the community owner, community permissions are required to manage relationships with other communities. For more information on permissions, see Community Roles/Ranks and Permissions.
Becoming Allies with Another Community
To request for another community to become an ally to your community, do the following:
- Click Community in the navigation bar on the left of the screen
- Find the community in question and click on it
- Click the Configure Community button on the right of the page
- Click on Affiliates tab on the left
- Select Allies
- Click on Send Ally request button available on right corner of the page
- Type the name of the community that you would like to send an ally request to
- Press the Request button
To accept/deny any pending ally request from any community, please go to the request section of the page and click on accept/deny, you can also accept or deny all request at once by clicking on Decline all/Accept all buttons available on the right.
Allowing and Declaring Enemies
To allow or prevent enemies for your community, perform the following:
- Click Community in the navigation bar on the left of the screen
- Find the community in question and click on it
- Click the Configure Community button on the right of the page
- Select the Settings tab on the left
- Toggle the Allow enemy declarations button
- To disallow enemies, toggle the Allow enemy declarations button
- From the Configure Group page, click on the Affiliates tab on the left
- Select Enemies
- Click on Declare Enemy button available on the right corner of the page
- Type the name of the community that you would like to declare as an enemy
- Press the Send button