Sometimes you may find that you want to start a new experience but would like to edit a previously existing experience to save yourself some time. You may also just wish to copy one of your experiences to another account. The following steps will help you do these things.
How to Copy Your Own Experience
- Run Roblox Studio
- Log into your account within Studio
- Click on My Experience
- Find the experience you want to copy, click it and then click Edit on the bottom of the screen
- Once you are editing the experience you can copy two ways:
- If you would just like a backup saved to your computer, choose File > Save As
- If you would like to upload a copy of the experience to Roblox, choose File > Publish to Roblox As, and upload over an existing experience or create a new one
Note: To copy the experience to one of your other accounts, choose the Save As method of step 5. Once the experience is saved, log out of Studio and then log back in as your new account. You can then use Publish to Roblox as to upload to that account.
How to Use Someone Else's Copying Allowed Experience as a Template
You may see an experience that you think would work as a good starting point for your own experience. The good news is that some builders encourage you to use their experiences for this purpose! However, an experience can only be copied if the notice "This experience's source can be copied" is listed on the experience's About tab. Please see our help article about how to allow or disallow copying of your experience for further details.
If the experience is allowed to be copied, then the following steps will help you use it as a starting point for your own experience:
- Go to the experience's details page
- Click on the icon that looks like three dots to the upper-right of its title
- Click Edit in the menu that pops up
- This will open the experience in Studio where you can do one of two things:
- Choose File > Save As, and save the experience to your computer. You can then edit the experience to your liking.
- Choose File > Publish to Roblox As and then either upload over an existing experience or create a new one.
Note: Before deciding to publish a copied experience, be sure to first ask permission from the creator. If the player's experience is not allowed to be copied, and you want to make your own version, be sure to ask the creator for permission first. It's polite.
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