When playing many of the fantastic Roblox experiences created and maintained by talented creators, you will have available lots of information to help keep you informed about what is going on and who else is in the experience. Below goes over some of the information.
The Leaderboard
The leaderboard is a box located in the upper right corner of the experience window. It is here that you will be given information about the people you are playing with. It can be turned on or off by selecting “Leaderboard” from the hamburger menu located in the upper left corner of the screen. This can include the teams they are on, their current score in the experience, and status icons. You can even send a friend request, block someone, or report abuse simply by clicking on a player's name. Leaderboards will look something like this:
Roblox developers can learn how to best utilize the leaderboards for their experiences on the In-Experience Leaderboards article.
Leaderboard icons
So you may have a grasp on what exactly the leaderboards are, but may be wondering what those little icons next to people's names mean. Let's go through each one of them:
- - Roblox Admins
- - The current experience's creator
- - Premium Members
- - Your friends
- - Players that have requested you to be their friends
In-Experience friend requests
While playing an experience, you may find that there's another player you would like to become friends with. If that's the case, there is no need to leave the experience to start this process. To send a friend request to someone, simply click on their name in the leaderboard and select Send Friend Request.
If one of your fellow players sends you a friend request, a notification will pop up in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. You may accept or decline by clicking the corresponding button. Alternatively, you may click on their name in the leaderboard and accept or decline from there.
Blocking and reporting abuse in-experience
If someone is harassing, bullying, or spamming you, you can block them or report them to our moderators inside of experience as well. Please read the How to Block Another User help article and the How to Report Rule Violations help article.
In-Experience Notifications
There are three types of notifications that you may see pop up to represent things that have happened in-experience. These will appear in grey boxes in the lower right corner (as can be seen in the above picture) and will alert you to having earned a badge or that you have received a friend request from one of your fellow players. These are represented by the following images:
- - A friend request will be indicated by an icon of the player's avatar
- - This icon appears if you have earned a badge
Additional Help