When looking through the Marketplace or someone's Inventory, you can view more details about a specific item by tapping on it. The item's detail page will load with more information about it and a purchase option, if it's on sale. An example of a detail page:
Basic Item Information
Details on an item's page are broken down into the following:
- Item Name - This is found to the right of the item picture
- Type - Lets you know if it's a gear, hat, decal, etc. If you found the item through a search and not by searching categories, please make sure the item category matches the type that you want to get before buying.
- Tradable - Found under Type. If this says Yes, Premium subscribers can trade the item with each other.
- Description - This will tell you a little about the item. If the description is too long to fit into the default amount of space, you'll see a More button that you can click to display the full text.
Note: If the item, title, or description breaks any of the Roblox Community Standards, click the Report Abuse link to let the moderators know.
Item Image
Under the title and category, you will see a picture of what the item looks like. In the lower right hand corner of the image, you'll see a 2D or 3D button. You click the button to change how the item is displayed. While the 3D model will spin by default, there are a couple of things that you can do to control it:
- Click and drag the model to rotate it
- Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out
You can also see how the item fits on your avatar by tapping the Try On button or simply tapping the item in the app.
For animations, you can see a preview of the animation on a test avatar or on your own avatar in the app. In the lower right hand corner of the preview, you can play or stop the animation. For animation packs, you can also switch which animation to preview with the buttons along the bottom.
Limited and Limited U
You may see some icons beneath the item's image that mark it as Limited or Limited U.
- The item will only be available for sale from Roblox for a limited time
- The item will only be available for sale from Roblox or a Creator until its limited supply is sold
Note: Limited or Limited U items can be resold by accounts with a Premium membership. After purchase, items enter a hold for up to 30 days. The item can only be resold after this holding period ends. Read the How to Resell Limited and Limited U Items for assistance with selling your own.
Item Cost and Purchasing
To the right of the item's price, you will see a green Buy button. If you currently have enough Robux for the purchase (your balance will appear in the upper right corner of the screen), you can click that Buy button to purchase it. If this button is faded and not clickable, then the item is not able for purchase.
What if it's Limited or Limited U?
If that is the case, then this box will contain slightly different information. These items are only sold for a limited period of time or are limited in quantity after which Premium subscribers are able to sell their own copies. As a result, the price listed will be the lowest price the item is currently being sold for. Clicking the Buy button will buy the item at the displayed cost.
Note: Be sure to look at the confirmation screen carefully before completing your transaction. Once a purchase has been confirmed, refunds will not be able to be issued.
If the item is Limited or Limited U and being sold by Premium subscribers, the Price Chart and Resellers' information will be displayed on the page.
The Resellers section displays the list of users who are currently selling the item and the price in order from lowest to highest, which usually looks like this:
The Price Chart tracks the average price over the selected time period. An example of this can be seen below:
Note: The drop down menu for the Price Chart can be changed to reflect 30 days, 90 days or 180 days.
At the very bottom of the page, you will see recommended items that may interest you based on the item you are currently viewing.
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