Use the Report Abuse feature in an experience to report the specific chat or other content that violates Roblox rules. It sends the information directly to moderators and allows them to see what the other user is doing wrong.
How to Report a User In-Experience:
- Select the “Menu” button
on your Xbox controller.
- A Roblox menu will appear, select “Menu” again.
- Select the flag icon located next to a user's name, or select the Report tab at the top of the menu.
- For Experience or Person? select the Person tab.
- Select the Which Person? pull-down menu, and find the username to report.
- Select the Reason for Abuse? pull-down menu, and find the inappropriate action.
- Additional details can be written in the Short Description box.
- Select Submit to finalize.
- Select the “Menu” button
You can also report another Xbox player if they are being abusive and breaking the rules of Xbox Live. To do so, select File Complaint on the abusive player's Xbox profile. You must be logged into Xbox Live to make a complaint.
Check out these articles on reporting other Xbox Live players for more information: