Follow these steps to view your account's inventory in a web browser:
- Click on the menu icon located at the top-left of the screen.
- Click on the Inventory option.
- Use the menu to select a category and subcategory (if applicable).
- Scroll through your inventory on the page. At the bottom of each page you can tap the right or left arrow buttons to navigate through different pages.
- Click the item image you wish to view.
- Once you've made your selection, the item's page will display the item as "Item Owned" with a checkmark alongside. The page also includes information such as the name, description, and genre (if applicable).
To Hide Your Inventory For Other Players
- Go to the Settings page by clicking on gear icon found in the upper right corner of your profile page.
- In Settings, click on Privacy option.
- Choose which group of users you would like to be able to see your inventory in the Who can see my inventory? menu. Selecting No one will ensure that your inventory is not visible to any users.
Please note: Hiding your inventory will not affect your ability to use the Trading System.
Additional items can be purchased via the Roblox Catalog. Click here for information on how to purchase items on Roblox.
Check out the How Do I Update My Avatar's Look article for information on how to change what your character is wearing.