Roblox’s Verified Badge helps users easily identify authentic accounts and give our notable community members and groups an extra mark of distinction.
About Verified Badge:
What is a verified badge?
The Verified Badge is a visual indicator that allows users to easily identify notable and authentic creators, developers, groups, and off-platform figures. The badge indicates that Roblox has confirmed that the account authentically belongs to the user or group it represents, and that they meet our criteria for notability.
How can I tell if an account is verified on Roblox?
Roblox is a global community founded on creation and connection. You may notice some of your favorite Roblox users and groups with a blue Roblox checkmark on their profile. This indicates the account belongs to a notable and authentic user or group. You’ll see the Verified Badge next to account names across Marketplace user and group profile pages, item and experience detail pages, as well as in search.
If a profile does not have the badge attached to their display name, but it appears somewhere else, like in their bio or in images, then it's not a verified account. Verified badges can only be granted by Roblox and will appear in the same places every time.
Why do we have it?
Roblox’s verified badge is an easy way for users to know they’re interacting with authentic developers, creators, and off-platform figures. This badge provides an important layer of confidence and clarity for everyone on Roblox.
As a platform for creators, Roblox wants to help you easily identify and discover notable and authentic profiles with our new Verified Badge. The verified badge is a clear way to tell that the profile belongs to a notable creator, developer, or group and is authentic rather than an impersonator, duplicate, or fan account.
Will not having a Verified Badge impact my content and its discoverability?
No, the Verified Badge will not impact search and recommendations for new or unverified creators.
Isn’t there already a badge like this on Talent Hub?
The Verified Badge is different from the ID verification badges on Talent Hub– those badges are only for ID verification, but the Verified Badge (aka Roblox’s blue checkmark) is to distinguish notable and authentic creators on the platform.
Receiving Verified Badges:
How do I apply for the Verified Badge?
For Roblox creators, there is no application process. If you meet the eligibility criteria outlined below, you will automatically be notified and issued the badge. Note that badge issuance occurs once a month, so it may take a full month after you meet the criteria for the badge to appear.
If you are a brand partner (such as a celebrity or a well known brand), please reach out to your Roblox partnership contact to start the application process.
How are verified badges given?
Several factors are considered when granting a verified badge, including whether the account is notable, authentic, and adheres to our Community Standards and Terms of Use.
However, a verified badge does not imply an endorsement by Roblox. All users must adhere to our guidelines to ensure that Roblox remains a safe, civil, and fun platform for everyone–verified users are no exception.
How do I qualify for a Verified Badge?
First, accounts need to be Notable (aka widely recognized) in order to receive the badge. In order to be deemed notable, the following criteria must be met:
Account Type |
Notability Requirement |
Brands & Figures |
100K+ followers on at least one major social media platform (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, FB, YouTube) or 100K+ monthly listeners on Spotify. Or, you are part of our Video Stars program. |
Experience Developers |
You are an owner of an experience with playtime exceeding 1M hours in the last 90 days. Or, you are a contributor to such an experience and have at least 10K legitimate followers on Roblox. A legitimate follower is someone who appears to be a real user, as opposed to a bot. |
Creators of Avatar Items |
You (or your group) have at least 2M Robux in revenue for the last 90 days with at least 200K items sold. |
Next, we need to confirm that you are Authentic (aka you are who you claim to be). This requirement is met via ID verification.
Finally, we want to make sure that your accounts are secure and active. This means that your account has Authenticator enabled and has been active on our platform in the last 180 days.
Please note that if you represent a brand and are working with our Partnership team, additional requirements may be needed that will be communicated by our Partnership team.
There are over 10.5 million developers and creators on Roblox, how many will receive Verified Badges?
The number will constantly increase as we periodically verify more creators that reach our criteria and add new types of creators to the Verified Badge program.
What if I don’t want the badge?
Your badge will automatically be revoked if you do any of the following after you receive the badge:
- You change your display name or username
- You disable Authenticator on your account
How do I re-enable the badge?
If you previously had a badge, but had it removed for non-policy violating reasons, you can contact Customer Support to request a badge re-grant. Before contacting Customer Support, please make sure that:
- Authenticator is enabled
- ID Verification is done
- User and display names are the same as when you originally received the badge
Can I lose the Verified Badge?
Yes. If your violations of our Community Standards and Terms of Use lead to removal from the platform, you will lose your badge by default. We also reserve the right to revoke the badge if a recipient repeatedly violates our standards and terms, which include intellectual property infringement. If you try to sell or spoof the badge, this will also make you ineligible and remove the badge from your account.
Additionally, if you make changes to your account that impact our authenticity verification, you can lose the badge. Account changes that disable the badge are: removing 2-step verification by Authenticator App, changing your username or display name, changing the group’s name, or changing the group’s owner.
I lost my verified badge, but I believe it’s a mistake– what do I do?
Please reach out to us through our Customer Support form. Provide your username and details regarding your lost verified badge, particularly any account changes that were made before losing the badge.
I see an account that’s verified, but they’re copying my original content or infringing on my trademark in their experiences, items, account name, or group name – what should I do?
Please submit an intellectual property takedown report to us if you believe someone is copying your content. We will review and remove the content if appropriate. You can learn more about intellectual property reporting on Roblox here.